Work With Me To Transform Your Life

Holistic Spiritual Guidance & Cultivation Pathway entirely personalized for you. Let us heal you with energy and love.

What are healing and transformational sessions with Lily like?


  • I work with a combination of modalities from the lineages of Tantra, Kashmiri Shaivism, Tibetan Buddhism, Yogic Teachings, Taoism, Shamanism, Qigong, Hypnotherapy, Spiritual Psychotherapy, Spinal Energetics, the cycle of birth, death and rebirth, the physical anatomy and subtle energetic bodies. The methods I employ depend on the client's unique physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic needs. In my practice, we take time to reveal and process every layer of the human-soul being. Every part of the body and layers are assessed for blockages, stagnation, fixations, and resistances. I energetically tune into the layers/aspects that are the strongest or most dominant in resistance, and begin the healing there. From there, the client's energy and body will guide us to various other layers. The approach is intuitive and follows the flow of energy.

    Every session is different because you as a human being are changing moment-by-moment. Therefore, cookie-cutter methods are not applied in my practice. We tune into what you need in the present moment.

  • The number of sessions required is entirely up your energy and the severity of traumas in the system, and how deep you wish to enter into the transformation process. Healing is a life-long non-linear journey.

    Most of my clients begin by committing to a minimum of 12 session package, which is used as weekly sessions for a total of 3 months. Most choose to continue after this duration. It is important in energy work that we have patience, discipline and consistency. Energy healing is not a quick-fix, magic pill. It requires the you to be dedicated in working together, showing up every session and practicing the teachings I give you. I cannot wave a magic wand and transform you. I am the physical vessel that channels and activates energy through you, but in order for the transformation to be long-lasting you must imbue the commitment to change yourself, and this requires time and layering of the practices which I will teach you.

  • How quickly you feel results is dependent on your willingness to practice the homework I give you, your dedication to shift your current lifestyle habits (under my guidance) your level of past spiritual practices, your astrological chart predisposition, karma, your elemental forces, the degree of traumas and blockages you have stored, the foods you eat, content you consume, mindset patterns behavioral tendencies and many more factors.

    Some clients will feel bodily and emotional sensations in the first session, whilst others may need 4-5 or even more sessions to start feeling the benefits of the work. Some people have orgasmic, emotionally charged energy sensations and releases right from the start, and with others it takes time to build up while I teach them techniques to open up their energy body.

    I do not believe in codependency relationships, which means I do not wish for you to keep coming back to me if not necessary. My aim is to give you impart on you the knowledge so that by the end of our time working together, you can confidently soar to liberation. If you do require sessions again, it is purely for maintenance and/or during major life transitions and challenges which you need guidance for.

  • During our sessions, classes, trainings and retreats, we will explore in depth:

    • What are the problems and primary concerns in your life that are causing you suffering?

    • Where, when and how did the wound originate? We track the source of the original trauma.

    • The vital role of breathing, respiratory function, nervous system regulation, cultivating awareness and understanding the mind-body-soul connection.

    • Gradual establishment of traditional healing and spiritual methods that keep you safe from the dangers of uninitiated new-age and ancient occult practices.

    • How to incorporate daily Sādhanā (daily spiritual practice) and the necessity of humble self-inquiry.

    • The esoteric teachings rooted in eastern schools surrounding the ego, prānā / Qi “氣“ (vital life force)foforce) and the relationship of our various layers of bodies.

    • Instilling lifestyle changes, reforming negative habits, purifying the physical body and subtle bodies from toxins and negative energies and entities.

    • Enhancing one's self-trust and intuitive abilities

    • Introduction and my personal faciliation of energy protection techniques and purification shamanic practices to support the clearing of dense metaphysical energies.

  • Th effectiveness, power and benefits of the online sessions can be just as powerful online because energy is not limited to linear dimensions of time, space and distance. How you feel will be dependent on how sensitive you are to energy. People who have already received energy work prior will have a higher receptivity to the energy. In-person sessions are immensely potent. Direct, physical transmission is important for people who have undergone more servere traumas, such as PTSD, who need the physical feelings of safety by touch and face-to-face interactions. Otherwise, online works on a deeply transformative level by accessing the subtle energetic bodies. The results can be even faster. I have a lot of experience working with clients from all around the world who are not in the same country/physical vicinity as me.

  • It is your free will to do so if you must. My advice is that consistency leads to ultimate success. Energy work requires regular sessions in the beginning due to the suppressed dark energy fixations that has been locked in your system for years. Once you are stabilized, you no longer need have healing sessions regularly and most clients return simply for maintenance when they feel the need to.

    The goal is to bring you to stabilization in Mind-Body-Spirit-Energy Field and not be reliant on me. I do not believe in Healer-Recipient or Therapist-Client Codependency.

    We get to the SOURCE of your issues so that they no longer control and affect your life negatively, reframing behavioral patterns, obstructive conditioning and mental programming.

    The goal is for you to no longer be dependent on me after our journey finishes. You will be equipped with the necessary techniques and tools for the rest of your life, as well as the ability to help those around you who are suffering with your heightened awareness and spiritual skill-sets if you desire to.


Your most curious questions about sessions on The Art of Love


  • Healing session can involve nudity and is advised for the purpose of healing the body through massage methods, but only at the comfort level of the recipient. Only the body parts that are being massaged will be uncovered, while the rest of your body remains concealed. You as the participant will need to voice any concerns, past history of unsafety, tolerance of comfort and other necessary information which are all given to you in our initial Discovery Call and Intake Form.

    Discretion, confidentiality, and privacy are highly maintained with a respectful attitude in our practice. You will not be touched inappropriately without consent, nor for any purpose other than healing.

  • You do not need a partner to learn Tantra or to receive a Tantra healing. The work is most powerful when cultivated in the individual self first, before entering into practice with a partner. Sessions, trainings, events and retreats are open to singles and couples. We accept individuals of all sexual orientation, association, affiliation, culture and background.

    The only rule we apply is the strict non-acceptance of ignorance, disrespect, and overstepping of personal boundaries. You will immediately be expelled from all trainings with us with no refund if you do not abide by this rule.

    Please respect the boundaries between healer and client, teacher and student. Our practce is for spiritual developement and healing, not your personal pleasure or outlet of hedonism.

  • This is the most common misconception surrounding the topic of Tantra and Taoist lineages of sexual teachings. Tantra is NOT sex, a religion nor an escapism method for you to release sexual lust. No session will ever comprise of vulgar "happy endings', ejaculation or a means for you to trespass the boundaries of the practitioner

    This is healing therapy, not sex work. Any individual or organized group that claims to be Tantra Massage Teachers or Tantra Therapists would not engage in sex work under any circumstances.

    There is absolutely no sex of any kind in our sessions, no exchange of bodily fluids, genital interaction or transference of anything not of Divine nature.

    Please refrain from applying to any of our offerings if you do not agree to this.

  • Due to the spiritual implications, specialized skills, and the intimate nature of this modality, we ensure the highest level of safety in hygiene, mental attitude, spiritual purity, emotional safety, and respect during all processes of our sessions. You are asked to disclose any known health issues, inclusive of sexually transmitted diseases and all other medical ailments, and current medications, with honesty.

  • Yes, anyone can apply although not everyone will be accepted. Certain precautions and prerequisites are in place for the reason of keeping our healing practice authentic and pure. If you are currently partaking in specific lifestyle habits (questions are asked in the intake form), and are unwilling to stop or consider changing your habits, you will not be accepted. It is the practitioner's lawful right to decide if you are a suitable candidate. If you are not accepted at this time for any reason, you will be given the opportunity to change your habits and reapply for sessions at a later time.

  • By implementing our pre-session recommendations, under the right spiritual guidance and practitioner support, energy can be transmitted and sensed through a virtual platform such as Zoom, no matter where you are in the world.

    All of my clients have commented in appreciation of how powerful and effective remote energy healing is in our sessions.

  • It is possible for anyone to experience the ecstatic sensation of full-body energetic orgasms. Tantra involves teachings of sexuality but its ultimate wisdom is the science of Energy.

    With progressive sessions, you can harness the potential to experience whole body orgasmic bliss, which is of a totally different calibre to regular physical genital-localized orgasms. The techniques used are derived from the science and mastery of energy transference.

    An important note is that however the potential is available for everyone, different individuals with different bod types, personalities, characteristics, trauma patterns, and energies require different degrees of time and number of sessions to reach the deep spiritual effects. Please keep this in mind. We consistently make aware to our clients to release all expectations of desired outcomes, because where there are expectations there are limitations.

    Surrendering to the experience is the only way to understand spiritual power.