Enhancing intimacy and deepening love

A place for honest connection. Energetic healing and guidance for spiritual love, relationships and conscious sexuality.

Inner work that transforms your outer reality

This is a path to reclaiming our power to authentically heal.

A radical self-exploration journey revealing how societal conditioning and mind confusion have led us away from our true selves, helping us reconnect with what is genuine, loving and fundamental to our existence.

No one can enlighten you but You.

About LILY-Chi

With over 15 years of experiential knowledge, and a healing practice working with men and women of all ages and backgrounds, Lily guides you to remember your true self through a process of genuine healing and restoring your relationships with love.

By way of energy healing, authentic spiritual practices derived from ancient lineages, consciousness guidance, and the bridging of western to eastern trauma-informed therapy to illuminate your ego, shadows, traumas, conditionings and behavioural patterns.


Community Platform

Community Platform

Join our free community with treasures of resources for you to get started on the spiritual path.

Medicine of Devotion Membership - a subscription-based platform offering weekly group healing sessions, access to recorded programs, and intimate group coaching where you can ask your more personal questions for guidance.

Private Sessions

Singles and couples. Men and women.

Lily exclusively offers private sessions on a progressive basis, beginning with a minimum commitment of three months. While single sessions can provide some benefit, they often fall short of addressing the root of deeper issues. Therefore, Lily recommends that dedicated seekers engage in extended work with her to achieve profound and lasting transformation.

  • What if you were to believe in limitless possibilities where you once saw only limited probabilities?

    — Lily —

Reflections from clients

  • I can say with assurance I am living the life I had been dreaming of living and I can feel that opportunities are only getting more abundant as I allow myself to surrender to the path I am being divinely guided to walk. Thank you for playing such an integral part in helping me find that path. I am more strongly connected to my intuition than ever.

    — Claire Hafteck —

  • I feel so blessed that you were there to help ignite the transformation. Your feminine love was crucial to making this a positive experience. I'm very grateful for you to be a part of my journey

    — Manipreet —

  • Since our sessions, a lot of things are already changing positively in my life, I am feeling so much more in peace.

    — Monika Nedaka —-