Embark on your journey deeper into life and love.

Let go of the pain, suffering, addiction and traumas. You don't need it anymore. Let us activate our sacred mission, open the dimensions to your truest potential and birth a new reality, a new earth into being, luminous with love, honoring all of life.


Our guidances, trainings, events and retreats offered are accessible and available in-person and online to all who are willing and earnest seekers for life transformation and consciousness expansion.

A complete pathway of guidance from beginning to end wherever you are on our life journey. The complete cycle of creation, birth, transformation, death and rebirth.


Explore authentic spiritual Tantra and Taoist lineages of meditation, energy healing, sexuality and love.

🝣 Lectures and practical teachings presented from genuine traditions.

🝣 Transform your sexual energy into creative energy, authentic power, clarity, bliss, purpose and liberation.

🝣 Change your sex life from boredom, staleness, into a sensual heart-opening experience.

🝣. Discover your true feminine and masculine essence

🝣. Integrate the mastery of energy into your life.


Unhealed traumas create stuck energetic patterns, vibrations and resonances often unbeknownst to the individual carrying the traumas, until they awaken to awareness of the problems, purify the system and gradual healing occurs. Trauma leaves an energetic imprint in our system. It disrupts the nervous system, blocks vital life energy from circulating, leading to lasting physical and emotional distress, addictions, and behavioral patterns that are fully healed by psychotherapy therapy alone. 

  • Ancestral & Generational Traumas (specialization in asian lineages)

  • Healing the causes of illness, chronic stress, unhealthy coping mechanisms & destructive behavioral patterns.

  • Inner-child wounds

  • Unprocessed & Unhealed emotional suppression.

  • PTSD, physical & emotional abuse, domestic violence, depression, grief, mental health issues, body image, eating disorders,


“The question is not why the addiction, but why the pain”- Dr. Gabor Maté

  • Discover the truth and source of addiction and what it takes to heal.

  • The energetic & spiritual approach to healing the pain resulting in addiction.

  • Unifying the mind-body-soul from a fragmented state to union.

  • 1-1 Guided Natural holistic medicine and practices.

  • Purifying, detoxing and healing the body from the toxins of addictions.


Trained under Dr Sarah Jane, Creator of Spinal Energetics

The spinal column has a vital place in the yogic science, eastern medicine, and western physiology. Being the central axis of the human body, the spine controls the overall function of the central nervous system. Spinal Energetics is a modality interacting with the physical anatomical structure and subtle channels of a person's spine, nervous system and energetic field, through physical and non-physical touch to to access patterns of stress, shift resistances, release tension and unconscious trauma memories, re-educating the person's innate intelligence to heal.






one-on-one sessions are available in-person and online (zoom).



  • Tantra Massage Therapy

    Physical, hands-on therapeutic healing modality combining Ayurvedic techniques and Tantric science. The entire body is stimulated and purified for healing purposes, thereby allowing the recipients to open their chakras and enter into deeper self-love, unconditional love and expansive sexuality in the Self and relationships.

  • Remote Astral Healing

    Accesses the emotional body in the astral realm. For the purpose of healing, rejuvenation, regeneration, activation of consciousness and harmonizing subtle energies.

    • Sessions can be conducted online

    • Energy can be directed across time and space

  • Sexual Energy Transmutation

    Practical guidance for alchemization of sexual energy in the form of frustration, tension, stress, lust, and addictions to enhance human potential, love, intimacy, power and divine union. Transform your sex, love, and relationships from boredom, staleness to fulfillment, extended ecstasy, sacred sensuality and heart-centered respect.

Other Services

  • Custom audios created just for you, in accordance to your healing needs, personal experiences, energetic predisposition, natal chart, soul design and spiritual aspirations.

  • Journey back into your soul by cathartic release. Guided sessions to understand your own energy field, freeing yourself from subconscious limitations through energetic practices.

    Reinstate harmony in your pranic flow and balancing of the Chakras (Subtle Anatomy Energy Centres) through meditation, pranayama, Surya Namaskar and intuitive conscious movement. Sessions are designed to release old mental debris, stagnant energies, low-vibrational emotions, self-limiting belief systems to restore and regenerate your whole body’s energy system back to wholeness.

    Through Progressive Sessions, you wil learn to:

    - Reconnect with the inner wisdom of your body and trust in your intuitive power.

    - Reclaim your confidence, personal power, vision, flow and creativity.

    - Release the impurities, pain and traumas that are stored within your body/

    - Rediscover your feminine and masculine creative self-expression.

    - Release all that no longer serves your highest good

    - Rebuild confidence and Reawaken your Highest Self.

  • Fundamental teachings of the complete science of yogic wisdom. philosophy, asanas, pranayama, the yamas and niyamas, karma, universal source, sadhanas, mental fundamentals, ego-observation, and the letting go of spiritual materialism and spiritual bypassing.


  • Sacred Menstruation Divination Energetic Hormone Balancing, Womb Healing, Fertility issues, lack of intimacy and self-love. Walking the path of a True Divine Feminine.

  • Learn the ancient rituals and healing powers of dance.

    Ancient dance forms originating from ethnic, shamanic and indigenous groups have long practiced dance and movements of the body ritualistically to transcend human consciousness and be in union with the Divine.

    These are lineages of art and healing. A way to connect our mind-body-spirit awareness, feminine power, releasing emotional suppression, trauma fixations and energetic blockages.

    Every dance form activates different chakra levels. Each movement, breath cadence , mudra (hand and finger gestures of spiritual symbolism), drishti (focused gaze & intention of the eyes), to the vibration of music resonance carry an energetic message. Information that travels through our internal meridians, chakras and Nadis, radiating outward to how these subtle messages are conveyed and processed by the people around us.

  • Gather in community with all who search for Truth. seeking answers to liberation, self-inquiry, practical activities of energy cultivation, group yogic practices, meditations, personal development trainings and be in communion for mutual support with like-minded souls.

  • “ In the past I didn't know what to do when I felt these feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, and resorted to distraction. Or what I thought was helping me heal, by going to workshops and classes about suppressed emotions and trauma. It was never like the process I am going through right now with you.

    — Jasmine Chow

  • " Thank you Lily for making all of this happen. It was so amazing and so powerful. I could feel the energy of all these women in every cell of my body, and I never met any of them before. My heart chakra is opening wider an wider. I feel this insane power and I'm never going back."

    • Laura

  • I want to thank you for the workshop and knowledge. I felt my heart was locked up and not able to receive new love. Recently I started to go on dates again and I felt like a new person. The healing you did helped me move fowrad and like you said it will manifest.

    • Rock Lee

  • " Lily's workshop is powerful. I genuinely feel so connected to her! I'm amazed by her talene to heal and feel people's body, energy and emotion. She is able to create a safe sapce for us to truly unlesash and explore ourselves. After the workshop I felt a calling to book a 1:1 session with her."

    • Gianne Chan

  • Thank you Lily. Last night's experience was amazing! I did connect with the feminine ancestors and reborn from the ashes. I twas pure love. I feel strong and powerful as a woman.

    • Natalie

  • I never believed in meditation and energy medicine prior to working with Lily. She changed my entire perspective in just one single session. I was very nervous about my first session but once we started, her gentle and soothign voice melted those feelings away. I tapped into my spirit with her guidance. She's so good at sensing that at one point, I felt like she was reading my mind. After the session was over, I felt rejuvenated, I felt confident, and for the first in a a long time, I felt alive.

    • Dason Ying

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