My Story

White Lily is the vibratory essence of pure and immutable radiance. We all embody this essence. Some of us have simply forgotten and this is where I enter.

My soul purpose is to share the insights and ancient wisdom that were gifted to me through my journey of awakening, healing and transformation. I guide you to remembrance of your  true self, of radiant Light so that you may summon the power and wisdom to understand your present obstacles, heal the wounds of the past and co-create the ever-unfolding paths of your own destiny.

Healing with Divine Energy

By way of energy healing, authentic spiritual practice and consciousness guidance to illuminate your ego, shadows, traumas, conditionings, and behavioural patterns inhibiting you from a fully expressed and liberated life.  Awakening your highest potential.

You are your own healer. I serve to energetically and lovingly support your transformation, inspiring you to move beyond the limitations of the conditioned mind, outdated belief systems blocking your abundance.

Working with me will give you a deeper understanding of the fascinating and intricate interconnection of the Web of Life, how everything corresponds within the laws of energy, the ways to heal your wounds at its source with energy, and discover your True Self along the way with these teachings and modalities.

From pain to wisdom, fear to courage, loathing to loving, distrust to belief, rejection to acceptance, limitations to endless possibilities, ultimately becoming a conscious co-creator of your reality.

My Journey To Remembrance

Inspired by everything within and around me - nature, pachamama, supreme consciousness, free-diving in oceanic vastness, creative writing, sacred dancing, fearless adventures, artful creations, community building - it all scintillates my soul.

You will see many of my expressions in various forms through my journal and podcast.

  • I was raised in communion with mother earth and the spirits of animals, a devotion to bare feet on just rained on soil, organic harvests, warm gatherings around the fireplace, aromas of simmering herbs, family activities of wild-berries foraging, hand-crafting of hummingbird feeders, and my young naive allure to making friends with wandering grizzly bear cubs - to the desperate calls of my mother pulling me back into the safety of our rustic home.

    Nature is in my blood. I was brought up with the ancient asian philosophy that life happens out in the beauty of the natural world. I lived and breathed this way of life. I learned from its flowing waters of wisdom. Plants and flowers were my allies. Fragrant breezes of pine and sun on my skin enlightened my spirit.

    Somewhere along the way, I got dredged into city life, traumatised in the illusory state, caged in the world of samsara, where I forgot my connection to source. I forgot how to love and be tender with myself and those around me. Songs of ocean waves, intuitively-crafted paintings and wise animal friends beguilingly replaced by negative conditioning of unhealthy belief systems, maladaptive coping mechanisms, harmful relationships, poor quality foods, environmental toxins, mental impurities, emotional traumas, and the pattern-bonding addictions to stress, alcohol, substances and drugs.

    When pain becomes intolerable, we fall or we rise. I chose to rise. Embarking on a lifelong journey of seeking the answers to the collective problems and suffering that so many of us battle with.

    I often revisit my life, in awe of every twist and turn that has guided me to where I am. Every event leading to the next, each step however soothing or painful a necessary stepping into my personal development and spiritual evolution. Those challenges, adversities, tests and phases of suffering were designed so that I would commit to the spiritual path, reclaim responsibility, learn energy control, and rewrite my destiny.

    All so I can share these gifts with you and perhaps one day, you may too spread them to those who are in earnest seeking of healing, truth and unconditional love.

  • From as young as I can recall, my beloved father and teacher initiated me into eastern philosophies and traditional ways of wisdom practices from his roots of Chinese, Cambodian, Tibetan and other ethnic heritage communities of the North-Western borders of China. He would dedicate all his free time whenever possible to impart his knowledge, curiosity for growth and demonstration of application to me. It took me time to stop fighting my blood lineages and accept my calling as a healer and teacher. He would enthusiastically support me to teach, for he saw my potential before I ever did. I was stubborn and rejected his loving but austere motivations to step into my power. It took his passing by suicide to bring me my final lesson and wake-up call to learn the importance of selflessness, compassion, discipline, resilience, and the fervor exigency to rebuild my foundations from a completely shattered rock-bottom crater of grief that I was in no way prepared for.

    Unfortunately, it took a lesson of this magnitude to shake me awake from slumber. A multitude of severely traumatic events preceded this, which is the reason why my passion on this path is unfaltering. The traumas I experienced led me on years of solitude travel, seeking masters and teachers from all disciplines of healing naturally. unencumbered by the western psychiatric and fragmented science that numbed me more than helped me.

    I lead by practical self-application in my moment to moment existence. My practice is now a distillation of lifetimes of experiential embodiment bridging the western academics of physical anatomy, the nervous system, spinal system, organ function and variations of psycho-talk therapy with ancient eastern schools of self-realisation, holistic energetic healing and inner peace.

    All that I do is in honor of my late father Chan Tin Lum, my lineages of spiritual teachers, and the highest order of the realm of Shambala.


    Beyond asking the "how" to heal symptoms, traumas and dis-eases and ailments, the focus should be on the "why", the original wound that set off the cascading effects of the psychosomatic-spiritual issues is of greater importance.

    Teachings and guidance should not be rigid. Cultivating awareness of the body, learning mental fundamentals, re-educating the psyche should be entralling. Like returning to the youthful, childlike wonder and expanded state of a young learner, accompanied by the disciplined consistency of a wise elder.

    My approach is from roots to fruits, beginning by new seedlings of life nourishing thought forms, extracting the weeds of self-destructive patterns that have commanded the mind due to trauma and a lack of love. This is why the foundation of my guidance is radically honest, non-deceptive inner work. Fundamentals is everything. Walking the spiritual path properly is a subtle process that cannot be rushed with the egoic aim to ignore the pain and transcend to magical mysticism. These sidetracks which lead to a distorted, ego-centered version of spiritual awakening can lead us astray.

A little of my background